Legal advisor and Compliance service
We apply the experience of our work with international multinational companies in recent years in the preparation of guarantees and security that validate the aspects of our client, the screening and monitoring of partners from a risk point of view, and the updating of internal regulations.
We deliver solutions to our customers. By developing their contracts, regulations, procedures, and precise control of their partners, we serve safe operation and development.

A compliance olyan rendszer, amely a jogszabályi követelmények betartására, valamint az etikus és felelős vállalati magatartásra összpontosít. A cégvezetésnek fontos feladata biztosítani, hogy a vállalat minden működése összhangban legyen a törvényi előírásokkal, a szabályokkal és az etikai elvekkel. Ez a megközelítés segít csökkenteni a jogi kockázatot, a pénzbírságokat és a vállalat hírnevének károsodását.
A compliance programok és irányelvek kialakítása és betartása segít megelőzni a korrupciót, az adóelkerülést, a piaci manipulációt, a személyes adatokkal való visszaélést és más jogellenes tevékenységeket. Emellett az üzleti partnerek és a vevők is egyre inkább figyelnek arra, hogy a vállalatok tisztességesen és etikusan működjenek. Ezért a compliance kultúra kialakítása és a megfelelőség biztosítása hosszú távon elősegítheti a vállalat sikerét és fenntarthatóságát.
External Compliance activity
Designing, operating and uploading data for a partner rating system,
Continuous vetting of partners from contact to settlement of the invoice, in order to filter out risky companies in terms of fulfilling the contractual terms and avoid cooperation with them,
When making an offer, the acquisition of all data that proves that the Partner has the personal and material conditions, expertise and licenses necessary for performance are available,
Carrying out checks in open databases (NAV website, company information database, etc.), obtaining, processing and documenting open information (exclusion of head office services)
Mapping and documenting the tax history of the Partner,
Continuous monitoring and documentation of partner-related press news and company information,
Adding partners to the alert system, documenting changes in the partner base,
acquisition of international company information,
qualification of partners,
Examination of the authority to act on behalf of a partner, continuous monitoring and documentation of personal and responsibility changes arising at the partner, especially changes of registered office,
In case of risk circumstances arising from the partner, prevention and consideration of their effects,
In the event of a risk, its assessment, requesting additional guarantees and documents from the partner,
inclusion of the necessary guarantees related to partner qualification in the contracts
Cooperation with project managers and assistants,
In addition to adapting contracts to partner qualification, including provisions necessary to protect the Client's interests in the contract,
Establishing long-term business cooperation with partners who operate according to the principles of ethical management and fit into their business activities,
Protecting the client's good reputation and promoting the respect of business partners,
Participation in discussions initiated regarding the subject of the contract, expression of opinion and exercise of control,
Checking and maintaining GDPR compliance

Internal Compliance management activity
creation of external and internal regulations, preparation and introduction of mandatory regulations based on legal provisions,
In order to reduce or minimize the risks resulting from the violation of the rules applicable to the client, it is necessary to carefully examine and screen the documents (contracts, regulations) created by the client and the daily operations, to reveal possible risk factors, to implement the legislative changes into the daily work processes,
Consulting in civil and criminal cases based on data obtained during compliance activities,
If required, drafting contracts, commenting, making comments,
Legal consultation and advice, preparation of legal documents: framework contracts (enterprise, construction, sale and purchase, software development, license contract, etc.), confidentiality agreement, general contract conditions, criminal complaint,
Facilitating the peaceful resolution of legal disputes, contributing,

Business development requires taking risks. Take the risk if your business processes are supported by order and a secure system in the hinterland. Where there is no development, there is recession. Where there is no order there is chaos.